The audit and attestation group at Ascend CPA Solutions LLC is dedicated to understanding your entity and providing insights that help you assess financial performance and make informed decisions.
We take a proactive approach to your organization’s success. We deliver objective, efficient audit and accounting services, and go beyond the numbers to identify trends, highlight strengths and weaknesses in your financial and operational performance, and ensure you’re receiving the right financial information to effectively manage your business. We work closely with attorneys, investment advisors, trust officers, bankers, insurance agents, and financial planners to help you reach your goals.
For-Profit, Non-Profit and Governmental, including Uniform Guidance and Yellow Book
Reviews, Compilations, Preparations, and Agreed Upon Procedures
Internal Control Evaluation and Enhancement
Regulatory and Contractual Compliance
Employee Benefit Plans:
Defined contribution plans
Defined benefit plans
Employee stock option plans (ESOP)
Pension plans
Postemployment Benefits (OPEB)